Bank of England Governor visits York

On Friday 8th April from 12.30 – 2.00pm, Make It York hosted a private lunch at Gray’s Court Hotel with key stakeholders and the Governor of the Bank of England.
The Governor gave a short introduction over lunch before discussions began about how local businesses have been affected by the pandemic. The Governor was particularly interested in the impacts on supply chains and the labour market, as well as plans for the future and the impact of the situation in Russia and Ukraine.
Sarah Loftus, Managing Director at Make It York, says, “It was an invaluable opportunity to get so many influential members of the York community together with the Governor of the Bank of England to discuss the issues that we are facing as a city and as a community. It’s important that the voices of the stakeholders and local businesses are heard and, as a city, we’re aware and prepared for any changes ahead.”
Professor Charlie Jeffery, Vice-Chancellor at University of York,says “It was a really valuable opportunity to discuss with the Governor how national and international economic developments might impact in York – and how we should best play our cards in the interests of our city and those who live and work here.”
Andrew Lowson, Executive Director at York BID, says ‘It was a unique occasion for York business leaders to be able to listen to the Governor’s insight on the impact of Brexit, Covid and now Ukraine. We were able to highlight York’s strong bounce-back from the pandemic, whilst at the same time recognising the fact that cost pressures and labour shortages that will impact the local economy in 2022’
Alex Golledge, Bank of England Agent for Yorkshire, says “it was really great to bring the Governor to York on Friday. My job enables me to regularly bring out senior policymakers from Threadneedle Street to hear first-hand what is going on in the real economy. The conversation over lunch covered a range of issues relevant to policy decision making at the moment for e.g. how York as navigated the pandemic, conditions in the labour market, pay and plans for investment. The York Central development sounded particularly exciting for the city. Andrew really enjoy the event.
In attendance at the lunch was:
Sarah Loftus Make It York Managing Director
Greg Dyke Make It York & York Central Strategic Board Chair
Andrew Bailey Bank of England Governor
Alex Golledge Bank of England Agent
Ben Biggs, Senior Policy Adviser to the Governor
Professor Karen Bryan York St John University Vice Chancellor
Professor Charlie Jeffery University of York Vice Chancellor
William Derby York Racecourse Chief Executive
Jenny Herrera Good Business Charter CEO
Sarah Czarnecki Gray’s Court Hotel Partner
Paul Kissack Joseph Rowntree Foundation Group CEO
Andrew Lowson York BID Executive Director
Cllr Andrew Waller City of York Council Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning
James Farrar York & North Yorkshire LEP Chief Operating Officer
Jonathan King Pavers Finance Director
Rebecca Hill Indie York Chair